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Monday, 20 May 2013

What about today’s meet?

“It is very efficient in hosting discussions and is definitely a great tool to use in every class”  --  Chaitra

“It was user-friendly and a quick method of input” – Yad

“It is good because we can share and present any ideas that we have without any pressure”. - Group1

What is that “it” they are talking about?    It is about -   a backchannel tool which helps connect the talkative and shy participants in realtime. It is a website that allows students and teachers to share their thoughts as discussions and comment on the actions by others.  In my economics class, I posted the following question in 

The students shared the media tool that they were going to use for presenting their Economics Fairy tale project and got feedback on their choice/s from their peers as well as the teachers. The amazing advantage was the remote participation by Ms. Geetha, who recommended various technology solutions/options toward this project.   This tool is very useful to “make comments, ask questions, sharpen one’s points” and last, but not the least to address all students’ needs.   


  1. Thanks, Indrani, for sharing this highly useful and simple tool. I like how you used it asynchronously with your students to connect with them all both in and out of the classroom. Today's meet can also be a great way to check for understanding at the end of a class, or to get questions from students before a unit or class begins to help differentiate.

  2. I used in my High School biology class to get their understanding and thoughts on role of DNA in detection of crime and in the field of agriculture. It was a great tool as I could get all the students to give their input and I could also give feedback. I could also get to know the extended knowledge students had with reference to the topic.

  3. a brilliant way to use as a formative assessment tool!
